Intertwine your legacy with The Lost Church to ensure generations of community, art, live performance, educational programs, and spaces for humanity to connect.
You can name The Lost Church as a beneficiary in your will or trust, designating the gift of your choice (e.g., cash, real estate, personal property, securities). You maintain control of your assets during your lifetime and often save on estate taxes.
Donors can ask their advisors about including The Lost Church in their Will and/or using IRA assets or to fund gifts, such as charitable remainder trusts, that provide income to heirs. For example, charitable remainder trusts may:
- Provide a steady stream of income for heirs
- Enable an estate to claim an estate tax deduction, if needed
- Fund a charitable legacy by naming a donor-advised fund account or other public charity as the beneficiary of trust assets
Naming a charitable beneficiary is easy to do and may result in substantial tax savings for a donor’s heirs and estate.
For more information, please contact
Josh Windmiller, Director of Development, josh.windmiller@thelostchurch.org, 707-326-5274
The Lost Church is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Please seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
If you make a gift to The Lost Church, The Lost Church San Francisco or The Lost Santa Rosa through your estate, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
Legal Name: Thelostchurch.org, Inc.
Tax ID: 81-1533942.
Main Office Address: 65 Capp Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
We will not share your information.